Cécile and Alain have been living together for twenty years. He runs a small company in the high technology field in Grenoble that is doing
very well. Although she doesn’t need the money, Cecile has never given up her job teaching. They are a model couple and completely indestructible, to Georges’ great despair. He is their doctor friend and has always had a weak spot for Cécile. Cécile has always been one to worry but this time it’s true, Alain is keeping something from her.

- Lucas Belvaux
- Fiction
- 2001
- 1h40
Screenplay |
Photography |
Sound |
Set design |
Editing |
Original score |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Diaphana |
Theatrical release | 01/01/2003 |
International seller | Mercure International |