Our planet, we are more and more confined, could become again incredibly big if we entered another dimension and reach the size of one billionth of a meter, the nanometer. Here are nanosciences. Nanotechnologies will allow us to explore a new territory, the infinitely small.When mankind conquered the distance between the moon and the earth thirty years ago, it made the news. The shifting to the
infinitely small is maybe less talked about, but it is much more essential. To go from a meter to a billionth of a meter is a much more fantastic adventure. In this film, we will dive into the world of Nanosciences, the dimension of the atom. In order to understand this revolution, there is nothing like this instant dip at the nanoscopic scale.

- Pierre-Oscar Lévy
- Documentary
- 2003
- 50 min
Production |
Coproduction |
International seller | Doc & Films International |