Paris, 1941. The poet Missak Manouchian leads a mixed bag of youngsters and émigrés in a clandestine battle against the Nazi occupation.
Twenty-two men and one woman fighting for an ideal and for freedom. News of their daring attacks, including the assassination of an SS General, eventually reaches Berlin. Under the orders of the Gestapo, French police and collaborators hound Manouchian and his Résistants until, to escape torture, one of their associates denounces the whole group. After a show trial, the twenty-three heroes are brought to face a firing squad…

- Robert Guédiguian
- Fiction
- 2009
- 2h19
Screenplay |
Photography |
Sound |
Set design |
Costumes |
Editing |
Original score |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Studio Canal |
Theatrical release | 16/09/2009 |
International seller | Studio Canal |
Video editor | Studio Canal |