He dwells in the world as he does in his house: motionless. A serious accident has pinned him there, in this spot of the world: a house in the center of a big garden. He can no longer roam the world: he gazes at it day after day, from his house.He is a filmmaker. He has lived only to make films.Always one more: despite any and all circumstances. He takes photos. He imagines making a film with all his still images, reviving himself through conjunction, juxtaposition, succession. He would isolate some, in the countless sets, enough to see a year go by, four seasons, day after day. DAY AFTER DAY would be the title. The program. The only script. One year will pass within it – One tiny little year among the billions of years in the world. One life will leave its mark there –One tiny little life among the billions of lives in the world.

- Jean-Paul Fargier
- 2006
- 1h05
Production |
Distribution | Documentaires sur grand écran |
Theatrical release | 08/02/2025 |
International seller | Wide management |