Look into my eyes…” Every time Mr Ribadier wants to see of his mistresses, he exploits his talents as a hypnotist. Eye to eye, hand in hand, a reassuring “I love you”, and his wife is lulled to sleep by her philandering husband who can then hurry off, his mind at ease. This “system” was required to counteract Angèle’s jealousy since she discovered the leather-bound notebook of her first husband, Robineau, in which he meticulously recorded his affairs. After learning that the man she loved blindly had dishonoured her 365 times in 8 years of marriage, Angèle is now on her guard. The unexpected arrival of Thommereux, a passionate lover who had gone into exile in Batavia so as not to betray his late friend Robineau, could blow this unbeatable system sky high.

- Vitold Krysinsky
- Spectacle
- 2013
- 2h
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