The real action began the day Patrick B., browsing in a bookshop, discovered a book of photographs. It was called Black Beauty. The photos show black, naked, male models. But all the photos showing their penises have been cut out. These cutouts, executed carefully form small square windows between the legs of the models. All the penises have disappeared.Something in this display copy speaks to Patrick B. without him being able to
put his finger on just what it is. He tries to buy the copy but the bookshop refuses.Patrick B. goes back to the bookshop and tries to steal the book.But he goes about it all wrong and gets caught.The film is about Patrick B. Half diary, half road movie, it mixes personal account with reflection on the image (who cut these photographs and why?) and rough drafts of the film in progress.

- Pierre Trividic
- Patrick Mario Bernard
- Fiction
- 2000
- 54 min
Screenplay |
Photography |
Sound |
Editing |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Ex Nihilo |
International seller | Ex Nihilo |