Kurt is just over twenty, he has a convertible Golf and an undefinable accent. Sabrina is younger and more shy. They meet one summer by the sea and have a holiday romance. When vacation ends, she goes back home, in Savoie.From then on, regular as clockwork, he and Sabrina get together at weekends. Their relationship is that of two children rather than that of two lovers.Kurt is a lonely, taciturn person, he steals c ears, commits amazing burglaries, wears a battle fatigues, manages to find weapons and ammunition.Major Thomas, in charge of the police’s criminal division, is investigating the murder of a policeman in Savoie, on a series of burglaries and a pile-up followed by a hold-up. He works hard on this case which becomes an obsession to him.The investigation goes off in all directions.

- Cédric Kahn
- Fiction
- 2000
- 2h
Screenplay |
Photography |
Sound |
Set design |
Editing |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Diaphana |
Theatrical release | 16/05/2001 |
International seller | Mercure International |