It seems the Earth is breathing…Its exhalations can be verified in very specific spots of the globe, wherever a volcano is active. It is precisely at that moment that Guy de Saint Cyr, a geologist full of surprises and in love with volcanoes for the past forty years, chooses to set up expeditions with small groups of neophytes. Each trip is an opportunity for a
psychic strife with the elements, an ever wild nature, often hostile, to share a strong human adventure, scientific knowledge and to cross mind-blowing landscapes.It’s time to go. Follow us. On the Volcanoes of the Pacific, to Hawaii, or Vanuatu. In Africa, along the Great African Rift, where the Earth displays all its geological exuberance. You will discover, hear and see the Earth has you have never before….

- Olivia Delpau
- Documentary
- 2007
- 5 x 26 min
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Europe Image Intern'l |
International seller | Europe Image Intern'l |